Mini Meditation Guide

Mini Meditation Guide

Find a comfortable, seated posture and sit up on a yoga block or cushion for additional support. Lengthen the spine all the way up the back, through the back of the neck and out of the top of the head. If it feels safe to do so, close your eyes. If you prefer to keep your eyes slightly open, soften your gaze and let your eyes gently rest on a place in front of you.

Take a few moments to observe your inhale of breath, then your exhale. Without judgement, notice how the breath feels in your body. Start to regulate the breath by giving the same amount of time for the inhale as you do for the exhale. For example, inhale for a count of 3 and exhale for a count of 3 or choose another number that feels right for you. 

Try not to get attached to a specific thought, instead focus your attention on watching the thoughts come up, like you would watch a cloud float by in the sky. Observe each thought as it arises, instead of letting the mind have free range to wander from topic to topic. Notice the constant chatter that your brain creates, rather than following each idea any further to past or future stories.

If you find it hard to focus, take a deep breath to help bring your attention back to the present moment. Beginning again and again is part of the practice, and it gets easier with time. Being mindful just means we cultivate awareness of everything as it is right now and let go of wishing it were any different!